
Ed,Edd n Eddy: The Cul-De-Sac Gems chapter 3

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I’m just gonna leave this here. Enjoy

I don’t own Ed, Edd n Eddy or Steven Universe.

Chapter 3: The First day

A few weeks have passed since the incident at the lake, during that time the Eds tried their best to avoid any suspicions from the other kids. During the weekdays Double-D would visit Afghanite after school to teach her how to read and write English, and she would teach him about Gem literature. Double-D found the literature to be very complicated, even for him. Afghanite on the other hand learned how read and write within a few days which amazed the smartest of the Eds.

On Saturday all three Eds would do some sort of elaborate scam as an extra precaution, in order to avoid suspicions. After the failure of their latest scam and the beating they would receive from the unsatisfied customers, they would go spend the rest of their day with Afghanite. They would follow this routine every week without any problems, until one day.


It was Sunday afternoon and Double-D was with Afghanite in her room. They were sitting on old chairs at the table and Double-D was busy practicing his Gem calligraphy. He understood the basics but he struggled when it came to constructing advanced sentences.

“There we go, I do believe I’m getting better at this. What do you think?” Asked Double-D as he showed his work to Afghanite. But the blue alien was lost in thought and she didn’t respond to Double-D’s words. Noticing this Double-D tried again.

“Um, Afghanite?”

“Wh… What? Did you say something?” Responded Afghanite.

“I’m … done with my sentence.” Answered Double-D.

“Oh, of course. I’ll review it.” Exclaimed Afghanite as she took the paper from his hand. But instead of reviewing it, she just sat there and stared at the piece of paper for a few minutes. And once again she was lost in her thoughts. Growing concerned for his friend Double-D decided to ask.

“Afghanite, what’s troubling you?” Those words immediately caught her attention.

“Wh…What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong, nothing at all! Now about your writing.” Replied Afghanite with a nervous smile while looking at the paper.

“Afghanite please. It’s clear that something is bothering you. Please tell me what it is”. Double-D asked the alien with much concern in his voice.

She then slowly turned her head towards Double-D, and she could see the worried expression on his face. She then let out a deep sigh before placing the paper on the table.

“Very well, I’ll tell you. But don’t get mad.” Said Afghanite. Double-D was taken back by that request.

Why would I get mad?’ He thought to himself. Before he could ask why, Afghanite started to explain.

“Afghanites are made to be a reconnaissance squad. We travel across the galaxy to gather and record data on the different planets we come across. Such as the geology of the planet, the different kinds of vegetation, the species that inhabit the planet, if the planet is suitable for colonization, the temperature, the orbiting speed, hours in a day, everything. Eddward, I’m very grateful for your help. But Afghanites weren’t made to sit around and read books all day! We were made to explore! The first time I left the cave, it was the most wonderful experience I ever had! Before I was attacked of course, but I want more. I want to experience the other wonderful things this world has to offer! And to make matters worse there are these monsters that constantly appear! I want to know what’s going on! But I can’t leave the house without running the risk of being discovered! I’m going insane! I feel useless! I feel trapped! I FEEL …” Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Double-D’s sad expression. She took a minute to calm down. Then she finished.

“I…  I hope you understand.” After her last sentence Afghanite looked away from Double-D, scared to hear his response.

The room was silent for what felt like an eternity.

The silence was finally broken, by the sound of Double-D getting up from his chair.

“I’m sorry, terribly sorry that we made you feel like a prisoner. It was not our intentions believe me.” Exclaimed Double-D in a regretful tone. Afghanite didn’t turn her head, so Double-D picked up his backpack and then he walked to the door. Before he left, he turned towards Afghanite and said.

“I’m sorry but… this is the only way we can keep you safe. Until I’ve come up with a better solution, stay out of sight. Again, I’m sorry.” After his sentence Double-D left the room. Afghanite just sat there in her room, it felt so empty when no one else was with her. She then turned her head towards the door and gave it a determined look.

“Sorry Eddward, but I’ve hid for far too long.”


(Monday morning)

The Eds were busy walking down the hallways of the school, while Double-D was telling Ed and Eddy about the previous day’s events.

“Then after that, I just left.” Said Double-D.

“Oh poor Abigail!” Exclaimed Ed

“Well ya can’t blame her. I mean if I was stuck in one place for that long, I’d go crazy too.” Responded Eddy.

“I just wish there was something I can do for her.” Said Double-D as he placed his hand under his chin.

“Oh I know! How about we give her some of my gravy cakes? That always cheers me up.” Responded Ed with a happy grin. All Double-D and Eddy did was cringe at their friend’s solution. The Eds then turned left and walked up a flight of stairs. While walking Eddy continued the conversation.

“Look Sockhead, there’s nothing you can do about it. She wants to see the world, but the world shouldn’t see her. It’s for her own good, and more importantly for us too.” The Eds then stopped in the hallway atop of the stairs. Double-D turned around to face Eddy.

“I understand that Eddy, but still…..”

“Um excuse me, can you help me find my class?” Said a feminine voice behind Eddy, interrupting Double-D’s sentence. All the Eds froze, besides Ed who’s smile was now bigger than before. They knew that voice all too well.

Eddy then slowly turned around, hoping it wasn’t who he thought it was. But unfortunately it was. Standing in front of Eddy was the very alien they were just talking about, wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, white and black sneakers and glasses. She had a ponytail and was carrying a few books in her arms. She gave the Eds a small wave and a smile, but they didn’t respond. They just stood there and stared at her with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Until Eddy finally broke the awkward silence.



“ABIGAIL!!” Yelled Ed in excitement as he wrapped his arms around Afghanite ,giving her a big hug. This action caused her to accidently drop her books on the floor.

“Yes… it’s good.. to see you too Ed… Please let go.” Exclaimed Afghanite as she struggled to speak. Ed did let go of her and helped to pick up her books on the floor, while still smiling. During all this Eddy and Double-D were still frozen in place. This is the last thing they expected, and they didn’t know how to react. They looked at each other with worried expressions.

“What is she doing here?” Whispered Eddy.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t expecting this.” Double-D answered.

“Well talk to her, she is your girlfriend after all.” Ordered Eddy, still whispering.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask, and she’s not my girlfriend.” Double-D whispered the last part with a bit of annoyance in his tone. He then walked towards Afghanite and she turned to him just as he approached.

“Afghanite, may I ask one thing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? HAVE YOU GONE MAD!?” Yelled Double-D in a panic. This outburst however didn’t faze Afghanite, she just casually answered his question.

“I was getting tired of staying inside that house, remember?” She said.

“But why here!? Everyone’s gonna see you!?” Asked Eddy as he walked up next to Double-D.

“Exactly.” This answered caused more confusion between Eddy and Double-D.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that most of the residents of the Cul-De-Sac attend this school. If I can successfully portray myself as new student here they wouldn’t think twice if they saw me walking around in the streets.” Explained Afghanite, but the two Eds were still not convinced that it would work.

“I’m sorry but there’s still the risk of them discovering what you really are. We can’t take any chances.” Exclaimed Double-D still in a panic tone.

“So it was nice to see ya but you gotta go.” Said Eddy in a fast pace as he was trying to push her.

“But Eddy.” Responded Ed in a sad and disappointed tone.

“No buts Lumpy. We gotta get her outta here before anyone…”

“Just what are you dorks up to?”Upon hearing that the Eds froze again. They turned their heads and saw all the kids of the Cul-De-Sac watching the whole thing, with Kevin standing in front of the group of kids. Eddy began to sweat nervously.

Do we have the worst luck or what? Okay don’t panic yet, maybe you can sell this. Yeah, I mean you’re a business man after all.’ Eddy thought to himself before letting go of Afghanite.

“Um… we were…. just gonna show the new kid around the school.” Explained Eddy while he was still sweating.

“A new kid? Wow that’s great, isn’t it Jimmy?” Responded Sarah to her braced friend.

“Positively delightful Sarah!” Exclaimed Jimmy in a giddy tone.

“Wait a minute, were you gonna scam her to pay you for the tour?” Asked Kevin while pointing at them in an offensive manner.

“W…what no. We’d never to that to…. Um Double-D’s cousin .” Said Eddy trying to construct believable lies.

“Cousin!” Yelled everyone in unison including Double-D.

“That is so cool dude, like what’s your name?” Asked Nazz in excitement.

“Oh my name is ….”

“Abigail!” Yelled Ed interrupting Afghanite. The kids started to chatter among themselves, talking about how cute the name is, that she looks like a nice person and other things out of excitement. But Rolf looked at her with great confusion.

“Why does Abi-girl have skin that is coloured like the blue sky?” Asked the blue haired foreigner. All the kids looked at Rolf and then they looked back at Afghanite, now wondering the same thing. Eddy quickly thought of a new lie before they were caught.

“Well that’s because she’s from…. Um Alaska yeah. And you know it’s cold there, so almost everyone has blue skin there.” Explained Eddy nervously, hoping they would believe him. Rolf still looked at Afghanite with an unconvinced expression. But after a few seconds he just shrugged it off.

“So that’s what ya meant when you said she was alien Plank?” Johnny asked his wooden friend. Double-D and Eddy let out a small sigh of relief when they saw everyone believed their story.

“Anyways nice to meet ya, I’m Kevin.” Exclaimed Kevin as he walked up to Afghanite and shoved Eddy out of the way. All the kids started to swarm around her trying to introduce themselves. Double-D helped Eddy to get up from the floor and made sure he didn’t attack Kevin. They saw the kids around Afghanite and some of their anxiety went away.

“You know Eddy? This might actually work.” Exlaimed Double-D still feeling a bit nervous about the situation.

“As long as she doesn’t cause more attention to herself we should be fine.” Responded Eddy in an annoyed tone.

(Math class)

“The answer is x= 27.5 and y= 4.5.”


(English class)

“The answer is Edgar Allan Poe.”


(Biology class)

“The answer is frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe.”


(History class)

“The answer is 1914 – 1918.”



“What do you think you’re doing!?” Afghanite was sitting at a table with the Eds in the cafeteria. She gave Eddy a confused look after he shouted at her.

“I’m just answering all the questions, what’s so wrong with that?” She asked.

“You don’t have to answer all of them and get them right. It makes ya stand out even more!” Eddy explained in his usual annoyed tone.

“I understand your concern Eddy, and I’ll try to tone it down a bit.” Responded Afghanite with a disappointed expression. Eddy feeling pretty proud of himself gave a smug smile. Noticing that his new friend was sad Ed tried to comfort her, in his own way.

“Have some of my gravy cakes, it always cheers me up.” Said Ed as he pulled one out from his jacket. Afghanite immediately recoiled from the foil smelling substance, and she gave Ed a nervous smile.

“Thank you Ed, but you can keep it.” After her sentence Ed took a bite from his gravy cake, causing everyone to cringe.

“I am curious, how did you get into the school?” Asked Double-D with much interest.

“It wasn’t easy, but I managed to fake a lot documents. And I asked Ed to forge a few signatures for me.” She explained, now Eddy and Double-D gave Ed an angry look.

“Ed why didn’t you tell us about this?” Eddy asked Ed who was busy chewing his gravy cake. After he finished he answered.

“You never asked.” Answered Ed with his goofy grin. Before Eddy could burst he quickly regained his composure, and asked his question.

“I wanna know, what’s with the glasses? You don’t need them.” Eddy asked Afghanite.

“I just wanted to put more character into my disguise.” She simply answered.

“Just like Clark Kent and Superman!” Yelled Ed in excitement.

“Ed she didn’t get that idea from a comic book.” Exclaimed Double-D.

“Um actually, that is where I got the idea.” Responded Afghanite with a nervous smile. Eddy and Double-D then  looked at her in disbelief.

“Hey I got bored okay! So I asked Ed to give me some of his comics.” Explained Afghanite while her cheeks were blushing because of the embarrassment. Eddy and Double-D once again turned to Ed, and he immediately answered the question on their minds.

“You didn’t ask.” Eddy was just about explode with rage, when a voice stopped him.

“Yo Abigail!” Afghanite looked around and saw Kevin waving at her.

“Come sit here with us!” He gestured to his table where Nazz and Rolf was sitting with him. Afghanite smiled and stood up from the table, before she left she noticed the Eds didn’t stand up with her.

“Aren’t you coming with me?” She asked them.

“No, it’s best we stay here.” Answered Double-D in a disheartened tone.


“Don’t keep Shovelchin waiting, go on.”  Exclaimed Eddy as he gestured her to go. She hesitantly walked away from their table and went to Kevin.

“So Ed, anything else you forgot to tell us?” Eddy asked his big yellow friend.

“Ummmm, I ate another one of your goo lamps.” Answered Ed.

“My new lava lamp!? Seriously Ed!?” Eddy yelled in response to Ed’s answer. Afghanite arrived at Kevin’s table and was greeted by Kevin, Rolf and Nazz. When she sat down Nazz started the conversation.

“I have to know dude, how are you so smart? You answered all those questions like it was nothing.” Nazz asked her in sear amazement.

“Oh well, I read a lot of books in my spare time.” Afghanite answered with a bit of shyness in her tone.

“Well that proves it, you’re definitely Double Dork’s cousin.” Exclaimed Kevin as he sat next to Afghanite.

“Double, dork?” Afghanite asked, not completely understanding what Kevin was saying.

“He means Double-D.” Nazz explained.

“Oh, yeah he’s really great isn’t he?” Asked Afghanite, but she was surprised that no one had a comment about Double-D. And Kevin immediately changed the subject.

“I wanted to ask, why did the teachers call you Afghanite?” He asked her, and she immediately remembered that was the name she used in the documents. It wasn’t much of a big deal so she answered.

“My real name is Afghanite, but I like Abigail more. Since it’s easier to say.”

“How is it that you know the rest of the Ed-boys?” Asked Rolf while chewing on a drumstick.

“Oh, I first arrived a few weeks ago. So Eddward and his friends showed me around the Cul-De-Sac until my paperwork was finished.” She answered with a smile.

“So where are you staying, at Double-D’s place?” Nazz asked. And just when Afghanite was about to answer yes, a light flying object made contact with her head and landed on the table. It was a crumpled piece of paper and she opened it to discover a message.


Afghanite gave it a confused look and began to search around, hoping to find who through it at her. Her eyes then landed on a table where three girls were sitting, one had red curly hair, the other long blond hair and the last one had short blue hair. The one with red curly hair gave Afghanite a malicious smile while cracking her knuckles. This made Afghanite nervous and she slowly turned away from them.

“What’s up Abigail.” Kevin asked the spooked girl.

“Quick question, who are those girls and who are their men?” Afghanite asked while nervously pointing towards the three girls. Kevin, Nazz and Rolf looked in the direction.

“Oh those are the Kanker sisters, you’d better stay away from them.” Nazz answered.

“Yes they are true demons, plaguing the Cul-De-Sac with chaos and tyranny. Their favourite prey is the three Ed-boys.” Rolf explained to the nervous girl.

“Wait, you mean Eddward and his friends?” Afghanite asked in disbelief.

“Yeah they really like to torture the Dorks, and they also call them their ‘boyfriends’. But honestly that’s not the case.” Kevin continued to explain. Afghanite let the new information settle a bit.

So there is something more horrifying then the monsters on this planet.’

(PE class)

On the football field Afghanite was busy out shining everyone again. She effortlessly did the workout session in record time without running out of breath.

“Wowzers that was unbelievable.” Sarah praised her.

“Super smart and super fit, you’re the full package girlfriend.” Said Jimmy as he gave her a thumbs up. Afghanite could only blush as she accepted the praises.

“Seriously, what did I say about making a scene? I swear it’s like these Gems don’t understand English.” Exclaimed Eddy in anger as he saw Afghanite being showered with praises.

“Oh come now Eddy, don’t be so harsh on her. She’s just really excited that’s all.” Explained Double-D.

“Still, it wouldn’t kill her to….”



Suddenly a big red ball collided with Eddy’s face and he fell to the ground.

“Oh dear, Eddy are you alright?” Double-D asked with much concern for his friend.

“Hahahaha, nice catch dork!” Yelled Kevin as he mockingly laughed at Eddy. Eddy got up and gave Kevin a furious growl, as Double-D was trying to hold him back. Afghanite saw the whole scenario and found it odd that Kevin found pleasure in hurting Eddy, and yet he was so nice to her. She couldn’t understand, then her thoughts were focused on something else. Where was Ed? She looked around and saw that Ed was still struggling to get on the balance beam as he kept falling off.

“I got it. I got it. I got it.” Yelled Ed every time when he tried to get up again.

(After school)

Like all Mondays the day was long and hard on everyone, well except for Afghanite. Who continued to shine in the rest of the classes that day. After school was over the Eds walked home, without her. Kevin had invited her to join him and the rest of the kids at the candy store, and of course the Eds weren’t invited. It wasn’t anything new to them so they didn’t think much about it. While walking on the sidewalk, they were really surprised when they heard a familiar voice calling out to them.

“Wait for me!”

The Eds turned around and saw Afghanite running towards them. She stopped in front of them then Double-D asked the question.

“I thought you were going to the candy store with the others. What happened?”

“Nothing, I just declined their offer. Besides I don’t eat, remember?” She answered with a small smirk.

“So if it’s alright with you. I’d like to go home.” She suggested. Then Eddy gave her a smile.

“Well it’s your loss, let’s go boys.” Exclaimed Eddy as they then continued to walk again. Ed was immediately happy that Afghanite was with them, and she was walking next to Double-D.

“So how was school for you?” Double-D asked her.

“It was wonderful, I look forward to going there again tomorrow.” She answered with a small smile. But there was something bothering her though, she needed to know something.

“Eddward, I’m sorry to ask this but. I’ve noticed that everyone excludes you three from activities, they barely mention you in social conversations and the one called Kevin takes pleasure in hurting Eddy. But they were so friendly with me, why is that?” She asked Double-D while making sure Ed and Eddy didn’t hear. Double-D didn’t answer right away, because it wasn’t an easy topic to discuss. But he eventual started to explain.

“We’ve created a reputation for ourselves, not a very good one. You see we try to earn money by selling objects or services to the neighbouring kids. Eddy calls these activities, scams. And more often or not the scams fail due to faulty products or poor services. Then everyone would assault us to try and get their money back. So over the years they’ve learned not to trust us, and over time we’ve become outcasts to their society.” After hearing this Afghanite could finally understand. And she couldn’t help but see a few similarities to something from Homeworld.

“On Homeworld we call Gems like those Off Colours. When a Gem is unaligned, made wrong or has no purpose in the Great Order of The Daimonds, they’re then classified as Off Colours. And the punishment for being that is to be shattered.” Exclaimed Afghanite. The last sentence sent shivers down Double-D’s spine.

“It doesn’t matter what others say about you and your friends. I know you’re good people , that’s what’s important.” After her sentence she gave Double-D a warm smile, and Double-D returned the gesture with his own smile.

“So what do you guys feel like doing?” Eddy asked the whole group.

“Maybe do our homework.” Suggested Afghanite, and this caused Eddy to moan in annoyance.

(Meanwhile in space)

Inside a red round spaceship that appeared to be damaged, alarms were going off and red lights were flashing non stop. At the control panel was a bulky shadowy figure who was busy typing on the keypad.

“I need to land quickly, I don’t think the ship is going to last much longer.” Said the figure to itself. Just then the radar picked up a signal.

“A distress signal? Oh why now of all the times?” Exclaimed the figure as it typed in the new coordinates from the signal. When the coordinates were typed the figure activated the thrusters and the ship went into the direction of the signal.


To Be Continued

It’s been too long everyone, I hope you all liked this chapter. And before you say anything, not every chapter has to end with a monster attack. I’ll really try to be more active and I’m really sorry that I’m not. Also I’m working on a new fanfiction idea, so I’ll complete that first before continuing with my other stories. But don’t worry I’ll be back. Eventually.

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